A digital sound lab
that casts new worlds
through new sounds.

Rooted in conceptual literacy, artistic foresight, technical innovation and affective sensibility, we craft hybrid media that forge new sensorial experiences.

Our technical expertise empowers our clients to integrate innovative aesthetics, methods, and infrastructures, bringing their ideas to life with exceptional clarity and impact.

At undoing, we redefine what is audible. Developing creative systems for sonic interaction and immersion, we expand how sound is perceived, experienced, sensed, embodied.

who we are

Błażej Kotowski is an artist and researcher born and raised in Poland, currently based in Barcelona. Situated at the intersection of art, sound, technology, software, and politics, his work delves into the transformative impact of new technologies on the human psyche, with a particular focus on the notion of the (cyber) sublime—an aesthetic of digital awe and wonder.

Driven by a passion for comprehending the evolving relationship between humanity and technology, Błażej crafts speculative narratives that manifest as sound works, generative systems, installations, and performances. In his research, he is currently pursuing a PhD at the Music Technology Group, where he examines the intricacies of AI’s architectural design.

Daphne Xanthopoulou is a sound artist, researcher, designer, and curator based in Barcelona. Through participatory performances, podcasts, and interactive installations, she explores contemporary sonic practices with a focus on using speculative methodologies as a strategy for earthly re-enchantment.

She has an EA degree in Digital Arts from the Department of Interface Cultures (Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau) at the University of Art and Design in Linz, an MA in Music Therapy from the University of Barcelona and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences of Athens.

Her work encompasses sound art, experimental music, interactive installation and performance. Labels on which her music has been released include Paralaxe Editions, tssstapes and Exiles where The Quietus, A Closer Listen and Bandcamp Daily have praised her albums. Some of her interactive work has been exhibited at the Ars Electronica Festival and published in Clot Magazine.

A digital sound lab
that casts new worlds
through new sounds.

selected works

critically extant


lake watchers

remote landscapes

servus d*sign week

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